Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Many drawings that were posted late...sorry.

These are a collection of drawings that I haven't scanned....until now.

 Luke 18:17 (NIV) Enter the kingdom of God like a little child.
Like a child: With total dependence, full trust, 
frank openness and complete sincerity.

Top painting was just an exercise, actual photo 
doesn't belong to me; then there are people at the bottom.

Just practice drawings on the train, across from me are
a friend and his son.

This was a fun night, I really do miss both people on the left a lot.

The single shirts were a fun torso study, there will be more to come.

Another train drawing, I liked how it came out.

sadly.......I do mean this.

I tried drawing into the window while I was in another restaurant 
across the street from it. 

I drew this in class, I don't know why I put my professor in jail.
He was awesome too.

 I love these girls soo much, these are my beautiful sisters in Christ.

In a nutshell, how I feel about many of our youth.

Playing with composition on the train ride. 

I really liked the outcome of the man sleeping.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I was about ready to foam out the mouth as Peter de Seve was drawing
in my book, on top of that I got to sit front row. 
And the presentation was awesome!!

Our anchor

Picture can pretty much speak for itself...

My "second" papercut piece

So at my office I have been assigned to give life to the bulletin board right outside of our door. I'm really excited, this is my second shot at papercut. First time was in high school,  don't remember how that went, let's see what happens.

The use of the board will be to highlight the achievements made by our floor so far

Of course there are sketches to this  and how this may look.....I just can't find them at the moment
is all, but they have been reviewed/approved. But now it's much more different, I want to get really decorative with this (with enough room for the achievements nonetheless) and that suggestion has been approved as well.

So here are the tools of the trade: 
- X-acto with extra blades                         
 - 2 rulers and a right triangle 6''                 
- mechanical pencil (lightest you can get)
 - along with a mechanical eraser               
- a cheap house painting brush to sweep  
away eraser shavings
- white cotton gloves so that you may      
not stain your paper from the natural 
oils produced in our skin
- paper of your choosing, i'll provide the 
name for my paper later

What I'm doing is drawing all of the letters and patterns in reverse.
This way, there will be no need for erasing leaving a
cleaner finish along with minimizing dings and damage.

Get many different envelops for different words 
and designs, this will minimize confusion. 

These are the end results...